Monday, March 5, 2012

Home to Pack

A short update today as I leave for the airport in a few hours. I am heading back to GR to pack up furniture and clothing for the year ahead. 

The apartment is secured, delivery of everything electric is set (with local electric at 220V, it is safest to buy anything that plugs in here).Guest bed ordered so we can sleep somewhere till our container arrives. And IKEA items have been purchased to fill in. All are set to deliver on the 29th. Next day PCCW comes to set up wifi and cable and we will be officially moved by the 31st.

Of course, our container will not arrive till mid April, but we will have enough to get by with till then and Ken will be traveling part of the time - I just may tag along. For a while we moved so often that is was second nature. But it has been over 21 years since our last major move, so I have lists upon lists upon lists. Once things are packed, there are a few more details to iron out. I have decided to sell my car (anyone need a PT Cruiser in good condition?) rather than have it sit any longer. I was ready for a newer one anyway so this makes sense. There are some details for the house like lawn and snow service and then we will be ready for Patti & Ken's Hong Kong Adventure Part II. I hope you continue to come along for the ride.

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