Monday, June 6, 2011

Tianaman Square

We started our Saturday touring with a visit to Tianamin Square. Because the traffic around the square is so heavy, we were dropped off a short distance away by the State Theatre.

I had been told this was a must see spot and Hao you were so right. The building is immense and it is known as the egg. It is surrounded by a moat. We walked past it an on toward Tianaman Square. The square is much larger in area than I had imagined, and surrounded by government buildings and museums. 

There is statuary and ancient gates.

The State Museum is next to the square and I hear it is quite an interesting spot to visit. So much to do and so little time.

Another interesting spot in the square features two very long screens that project messages and show movies to the visitors. The one we watched featured people from each of the regions of China. Seeing that you realize that within China there is a diversity of culture that runs broad and deep.

The guards in the area were quite agreeable to posing and this group was special.

The entrance to the Forbidden City is just across the road from Tianaman Square. As you look upon it you have no idea what is waiting inside.

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